#zionlove sponsorship program
On March 17, 2020, we decided to close our doors to our customers in an effort to do our share to flatten the curve for COVID19. On that same day, we also knew that while we could not physically be together to gather around a cup of coffee, there would be many essential workers in our community who could use a little extra cheer.
Our idea was simple and small. Each day, we would deliver a couple of boxes of coffee to frontline workers in the greater Peoria area. Our first box was delivered to a polling station on March 17th, Illinois primary election day. A few days later, some friends asked if they too could sponsor a box to be delivered.
That simple idea of giving then grew into our #zionlove program, where we asked our customers to join us in purchasing boxes of coffee for others. Since March 17th, we have delivered hundreds of boxes of coffee to hospitals, grocery stores, police stations, fire stations, post offices, shipping carriers, pharmacies, veterinarians, waste and sanitation services, doctors offices across the greater Peoria area.
About a month ago, we received a call from someone leading a community effort to raise funds for local restaurants/cafes, with an offer to purchase coffee for the staff of OSF Medical Center. Over the course of a week, many departments at OSF, from Labor and Delivery to Emergency Department, enjoyed coffee, thanks to the generosity of The Peoria Community Rocks fundraiser (https://www.gofundme.com/f/the-peoria-community-rocks).
Our simple idea continues to grow. Today, we are asking for area businesses to join us in this giving. We have created 3 levels of sponsorship:
Level 1: When you purchase 10 boxes of coffee to be delivered to the organization of your choice, we will include your business name/message on each box. You will also receive five $10 Zion gift cards.
Level 2: When you purchase 20 boxes of coffee to be delivered to the organization of your choice, we will include your business name/message on each box. We will also mention your generosity on our stories through our social media channels (with over 18,000 followers), if desired. In addition, you will receive ten $10 Zion gift cards.
Level 3: When you purchase 30 boxes of coffee to be delivered to the organization of your choice, we will include your organization name/message on each box. We will also post about your organization on our social media feed as well as mention your generosity on our stories, with a link to your website, through our social media channels (with over 18,000 followers), if desired. In addition, you will receive ten $10 Zion gift cards and 5 lbs of Zion coffee.
It is not lost on us that our community’s generosity not only brings joy to others, but it also supports our small business. For that, we are forever thankful.
Please join us.
Banu + Mike