Interested in attending a Social Media course for your Small business?
Thanks so much for your interest in being a part of this course.
For those who may not know my background, I have 25+ years of experience working for both small to Fortune 50 size companies. I’ve held various leadership roles, some with global responsibilities, in consulting, business management, marketing and sales. For the past 6+ years, my husband Mike and I have been small business owners in Peoria, IL. We started Zion while still working our corporate jobs, however, after the unexpected loss of my parents within months of each other a couple of years ago, I decided to walk away from my full time job at a Fortune 50 company, and have since been fully focused on growing our small businesses. I am an immigrant from Turkey and a mother of 5. With that background, here are my thoughts on creating a social media course for small businesses:
My current plan is to build a 1-hour session to help you navigate the world of social media and build authentic connections with your customers. The cost for the course will be $99. If this is something you’re interested in learning more about, please provide the following information. This is not a course registration. It’s just for me to gauge the level of interest from other small business owners.
Hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy.