The simple purchase of this morning staple can have a positive impact in the lives of the farmers on the other side of the cup.

At Zion Coffee, we purchase our coffee through a direct relationship with individual farmers and small cooperatives.  Our investment in these farmers goes beyond paying a premium for their hard work and excellent crop.  We build relationships with local leaders to develop the communities in which they live and we invest in projects at origin for new equipment, tools, facilities and educational resources.  Our projects are done in collaboration with the farmer, not for the farmer.  We focus on identifying entrepreneurial and hard working farmers with a vision, and provide a channel for them to participate in new markets.

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What differentiates Zion is the transparency in our coffee, knowing exactly how and where the coffee was grown and having personal relationships with the coffee farmers.  Our coffee is exceptional. 

Our passion is to tell life stories about the other side of the cup connecting you with the arduous journey coffee goes through from bean to cup.

Zion Coffee Bar in Peoria's Warehouse District

Serving coffee, tea, wine, beer, cocktails and locally-sourced, house-made breads, pastries and small plates.