We founded Zion Coffee Co to advance the lives of small coffee farmers and their surrounding communities.
We purchase our coffee through a direct-trade model with individual farmers and small cooperatives. Our investment in these farmers goes beyond paying a fair price for their hard work and excellent crop. We work with small coffee farmers to bring project funding and microloans for equipment, tools, facilities and educational resources. We build relationships with local leaders to develop the communities in which they live. We strive to promote self-reliance without fostering dependence on outsiders.
Our projects are done in collaboration with the farmer, not for the farmer. We focus on one community at a time, identifying entrepreneurial and hard working farmers with a vision. Our goal is pay farmers fairly for their green coffee. And by working with community leaders, we seek to understand the community needs and bring the right resources to address those needs.
Our coffee is exceptional. What differentiates Zion is the transparency in our coffee, knowing exactly how and where the coffee was grown and having personal relationships with the coffee farmers.
Our passion is to tell life stories through a cup of coffee, and connect coffee lovers to the farmers.